Macadamia Tree Nursery

SGASA Accredited Macadamia Tree Nursery

Macadamia Tree Nursery

We offer land-preparation, orchard development and planting-out advice as a value-added service to all our macadamia tree growers.

Amorentia Macadamia Nursery has propagated Macadamia Trees for over 50 years. We have enjoyed a long history of Macadamias and are proud of the role we play in the South African Macadamia industry, from the development of protocols and techniques, to dispatching millions of trees. Undoubtedly, we have contributed to South Africa’s status as the world’s largest Macadamia producer. At Amorentia, we aim for excellence.

Our Mother Tree Material originates from our own production blocks, where historical data confirms high-performing Mother trees. The ongoing result is that we offer our growers high-yield potential from the start. It also means that we control our propagation processes by not relying on third parties for scions or cuttings, eliminating the risk of cultivar confusion and the risk of contamination from dreaded pests or diseases.

These factors cannot be more relevant when considering the current risks to the Macadamia industry.


Cultivar Comparison Table

Cultivar Selection

Cultivar Selection is a vitally important question when developing your Macadamias on any scale. Micro-climates can produce surprising results so trials in new areas are always advisable.

Below is an over view of the most popular cultivars.

Macadamia Tree Availability

Plant Descriptions

Beaumont clones - Orchard ready
Macadamia trees
  • Our Beaumont (695) trees are Vegetatively Propagated Clonal rooted-cuttings, planted in a Gladstone bag
  • Trees dispatched when grown to SGASA Nursery standard
  • Dispatched in Gladstone bag
  • Ready for planting in Orchard
  • Can be used as a rootstock for grafting to cultivar of choice / recommendation.
  • Medium used: 100% composted pinebark
  • Soil free
  • Mother-material verified to be free from MFC and other pests by Cropwatch
  • Our Mother Material originates from our own production blocks, where historical data confirms high-performing Mother trees, offering our growers high-yield potential.
  • 100% control our propagation processes by not relying on third parties for scions or cuttings, eliminating the risk of cultivar confusion and the risk of contamination from dreaded pests or diseases. 
  • Transport: 1 tree=3kg (average) meaning 10,000 can be triple stacked on a 30-ton link.

Available: R60
(10,000+ available) 

New orders: R72

Grafted seedlings - Orchard ready
8. Grafted A4s on seedling rootstock
  • Trees grafted on Nelmac 2 seedling rootstocks to cultivar of choice / recommendation. (Grafting on Beaumont Clones on request)
  • Trees grown to SGASA Nursery standard height
  • Dispatched in a Gladstone bag
  • Ready for planting in Orchard
  • Medium used: 100% composted pinebark
  • Soil free
  • Mother-material verified to be free from MFC and other pests by Cropwatch
  • Our Mother Material originates from our own production blocks, where historical data confirms high-performing Mother trees, offering our growers high-yield potential.
  • 100% control our propagation processes by not relying on third parties for scions or cuttings, eliminating the risk of cultivar confusion and the risk of contamination from dreaded pests or diseases. 
  • All modern / relevant cultivars are available: 695, A4, A16, 791, 814, 816, 842, 849, A38, A203, A268, N2
  • Transport: 1 tree=3kg (average) meaning 10,000 can be triple stacked on a 30 ton link.


Available R72

New Orders R82

Micro-grafted seedlings
Plant Macadamia Trees
  • Trees grafted on Nelmac 2 seedling rootstocks to cultivar of choice / recommendation. (Grafting on Beaumont Clones on request)
  • Trees grown to size suitable for freight packaging
  • Dispatched in a 1L bag
  • Ready for transplanting into Gladstone bag
  • Medium used: Composted pinebark
  • Soil free
  • Mother-material verified to be free from MFC and other pests by Cropwatch
  • Our Mother Material originates from our own production blocks, where historical data confirms high-performing Mother trees, offering our growers high-yield potential.
  • 100% control our propagation processes by not relying on third parties for scions or cuttings, eliminating the risk of cultivar confusion and the risk of contamination from dreaded pests or diseases. 
  • All modern / relevant cultivars are available: 695, A4, A16, 791, 814, 816, 842, 849, A38, A203, A268, N2
  • Transport: This is a cost-saving on transport and the trees would need to be transplanted into a 3L bag and grown out for 6-8 months.  
  • Dimensions of the box:  
  • 84.0 Length  
  • 38.5 Width  
  • 29.5 Height  
  • Weight: 14KG per box  
  • 24 per box


Available R65
All Cultivars

New Orders R75
All Cultivars

Micro-plants  - Beaumont clones
  • Our Beaumont (695) trees are Vegetatively Propagated Clonal rooted-cutting
  • Plants are dispatched in their plastic propagation cup to be transplanted into a Gladstone bag and grown on / used as rootstock
  • Can be used as a rootstock for grafting to cultivar of choice / recommendation. (Grafting on Beaumont Clones on request)
  • Medium used: Composted pinebark & perlite
  • Mother-material verified to be free from MFC and other pests by Cropwatch
  • Soil free
  • Our Mother Material originates from our own production blocks, where historical data confirms high-performing Mother trees, offering our growers high-yield potential.
  • 100% control our propagation processes by not relying on third parties for scions or cuttings, eliminating the risk of cultivar confusion and the risk of contamination from dreaded pests or diseases. 
  • Transport: This is a cost-saving on transport and the trees would need to be transplanted into a 3L bag and grown out for 10-12 months.  
  • Dimensions of the box:  
  • 46 Length  
  • 36 width  
  • 31 Height  
  • Weight:13KG per box  
  • 150 per box   

Available R40
New Orders R55

Macadamia Tree Nursery Gallery

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